The Pad Programme in Schools
Access to menstrual products, reliable information about menstruation, water and sanitation facilities in schools is a right, and feeling clean, confident and capable during girls’ periods at school is a necessity. Improving menstrual health in schools can lead to long-lasting effects on girl’s overall education and well-being.
The School Health Clubs
The Pad Programme is introducing School Health Clubs in schools to improve menstrual hygiene, selecting volunteers for MHM activities in schools. We carry out the following activities in schools:
Education and awareness on MH, through the school health clubs, we are to ensure access to accurate, timely and appropriate information on the menstrual cycle because most of the girls experience their first menstrual cycle with no prior knowledge or support, The Pad Programme (TPP) is working to improve education and information about menstruation directly with adolescents in their schools, like how to manage menstruation without discomfort or fear, and how to tackle discriminatory cultural and social perceptions and practices related to menstruation.
Menstrual Products and Supplies, through the school health clubs The Pad Programme is to distribute MHM Kits to girls in schools and recommend them to visit healthy centers to get periods pain relievers to help control the pain of cramps. While Menstrual Hygiene (MH) is much more than only products, they remain crucial.
Making and distribution of reusable sanitary pads, through the School Health Clubs, we are to teach girls how to make reusable sanitary pads because they are sustainable, and cheaper, girls will also attain skills of making handmade sanitary pads which they can turn into a business and help them breaking free from poverty.
Sensitization and Advocacy, Through the school health clubs, we are to sensitize the students and teachers about rights of women and girls, because girls in schools continue to face multiple barriers based on gender and its intersections with other factors, such has age, ethnicity, poverty and disability, in the equal enjoyment of right of quality education. We advocate for free menstrual products, reliable water and sanitation facilities in schools. When girls stay in school and finish their education, a lot of good things happen for them, they attain the skills they need to break out of poverty and take control of their own lives, we believe every girl has the right to transform her own future and build a life free from poverty if only she’s given a chance.
Covid-19 prevention and good menstrual health and hygiene go hand-in-hand. Water, sanitation and hygiene services are essential both for menstrual hygiene and for COVID-19 prevention, The Pad Programme distribution of sanitary materials like soap and a bucket, encourages the population to wash their hands hence decreasing the spread of Covid-19 Virus in schools and communities.